On Monday the 16th of march 2009 i went to flame digital in Manchester to have a meeting with Nicky who is the head of design, i was quite a bit more nervous about his critique compared to the last one as this was the first that was not meeting with a friends relative who happened to run a company, this was my first time presenting myself to someone in a completely professional way, and so i was expecting this one to be less relaxed and possibly much more critical but on this front i was also looking forward to it and the feedback i would get.
i arrived at flames office which was a large open room with a large raised area where several people were all sat around a large table all working at there computers, this was immediately different to storm as there was three times the amount of people there and i was greeted by a receptionist who introduced me too Nicky who then took me to another part of the room away from where everything in the office was happening which i was quite relieved about as i would have felt quite awkward to have been sat with a group of professionals while talking about my work which was the case at storm even though there were only 3 people at the time it still made me more nerous at the time, but fortunatly this wasnt the same at flame.
I sat down with nicky and begain to explain about the multimedia course and how i cover i wide area of mediums but have a paerticulare interest in graphics design and film, and started of by showing my 3d lynx can and explained how that was the first step of learning 3d and then showed my kerrang ident and explained how i had been constantly coming back to it to make it what i originally wanted it to be and explained to her about how i had handed in something i wanted to explore more and that it was slowly becoming what i wanted it to be and she thought it was a good thing that i had this feeling towards my work and wanted to carry soemthing on instead of just finishing with it when a deadline came around.
Next i showed my concept studies work and talked about my love for graphics work and how i like to play around woth compostion adn the way something looks on a page and how i was influenced by vince frost and this was something she releted too and talked about the importance of practising exerceises for things like composition and not to just be constantly learning the new programs becasue its the core design skills that are important to understand before you can start anything else, next i showed my own illustrations that i do in my own time and i think this was the work she enjoyed the most and said she really liked the style an d the minimalism of them along with the minimalist colour schemes and thought they worked well as a series and were something that are very current in design.
The final piece of work i showed was my advert for personal safety that i made for my self directed project and this is where i think i had learned something from my last crit i had decided to bring some headphones along becasue the speakers on my laptop wernt great and the office sounds at the last crit made things hard to hear and so in this crit i wanted to make sure the person got everything from the advert, and i also didnt go into detail about what it was about so they could draw there own conclusions from the advert and see what it is about an di think this worked really well as nicky understood what the advert was about and my concept for it and she liked the advert but what she was really interested in and comented on was how real the voice overs were and i explained how i had had trouble with scripting and so got people to just watch it and make comments with no information about what they were watching an dshe reall yliked this approach and thought it worked really well.
After showing her the video she said she sould like to see what kind of work i could come up with working for a specifically film brief as this one was i open brief and i just ended up in the direction of film and so thought it would be good for me to see what kind of thigns are involved in this kind of brief and said she would try to get a example of a film brief and send it too me too see.
After i showed my work nicky asked if there was anything i wanted to know about there work and i asked about there viral advert with paul kaye and explained how that had drawn me two them and she explained the process of makin git and how it was a new outing for them to make a viral and that itis something they are looking forward to doing more off, i asked about there appproach to research to which nicky took me to another part of the office and showed me a huge wall that had been turned into a huge mood board and explained it was all for a new website and people just have to stick up there ideas and how they will all gather o discuss what they have added, which is just like at college which is some thing i am noticing in thses crits that proffesional offices are not to dissimilar to how my class works.
On a whole i really enjoyed this crit and felt that i got enven more out of it than the last one i felt i got much more opinion on my work and felt more confident about what i was showing and defintly feel more confident about meeting people, and comparing the two different crits and thee way the companys were different i can say i would definatly like to work in a place like flame as it had a pleseant atmosphere and they way they worked was really nice and the way they researched and compare ideas seemed like a good enviroment to be a part off and being part of a large group seems to make a big difference in how they office feels as a place.