There advert is about the movement of line in association to the lines on a there cars, the lines represent the way the lines on the car flow and the shape it creates, my advert the line is to represent the flow of movement in extreme sports the flow of a line which is riden, the line of objects and obstacles in a journey.
i wanted to look at how the lines flowed in the Audi advert, how they were filmed and the kin do music that is used and think about how my advert should be different becasue it is giving a different message, in the audi advert the lines are slow and calm in movement they twist and turn in a very calm way as if they are blowing in the wind, they represent class and elegance, that you are buying a luxury car and the lines represent that and i think that what helps this is the music which is classical and this is something that is assosiated with class and the finer things and this is what really makes the advert. and i do really like this advert becasue its simplicity at its best, they have not overpowered the viewer with cgi and special effects we just see the very basic of design whihc is line and follow the journey as it creates.
so in my advert i am trying ot sell excitement and and a fast paced lifestlye and i'm going to show this with my lines being more dynamic showing the excitement of the journey, to show the twists and turns of the lines as an exciting journey not a easy flowing smooth journey like the audi advert, and also the music in my advert needs to be more up beat becasue the calssical music in the audi advery only added to calm and slow the lines even more and i want to make things seem fast and exciteing. i am also going ot use different camera movement to the audis advert as it is only seems to follow where as in my advert i want the feel of the camera chasing and playin gwith the line.
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