Thursday, 23 April 2009

Illustrationweb is a online directory of illustrators and illustration agency's from the UK and the USA the website main aim is to find the perfect illustrator for your needs, you can browse the style galleries by category or the type of illustration, styles including 3d, childrens illustration, collage, lettering and many others, once you have chosen the style you are interested in or have seen a interesting piece of work in one of the thumbnails for the different catagories, you get a brief description of the type of work you are looking at and a list of artists with several images of there work so you can get a good idea of there style across there portfolio, another feature of the site is the scrapbook where you can select your favourite pieces from around the site and add them to your own personal scrapbook so you can check on your favourite artists updates and there is also an option to have your scrapbook printed which is a go dfeature for if you are looking for a certain style from artists you want to sork with or to present a particular style to a client.

Personally i really like the look of the website it has a clean simple layout that is easy to follow, the artists personal pages are laid out nicely with a short but clear desription of them and there work along with a choice selection of there pieces which makes it easy to find out whos work your looking at and how to contact them and there is even an option to get a quote from the artist, right now this is a site that i would only use for inspiratiuon from other artists but its is definatly something that could be used later for its scrap book feature when pitching to client, and the way it makes contact specifically for hiring artists for work an easy process.

1 comment:

Adam Greenwood said...

Thought you may be interested in this artist -

He does lots of character designs both in 3D and 2D illustration