Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Low-Fi Sci-Fi

I came across this article in creative review on a series of book covers that had been created for a a series of science fiction books, the book were designed by Sanda Zahirovic who is a graphic designer who graduated from Kingston university in 2008.

The series of books are a low tech take on the world of science fiction where everything is about space and the future and new technology that are unheard of today. i really like this series because they do exactly what they set out to do which was to bring sci-fi to a wider audience and they do this with the designs on the cover which have have kept to the subject matter which is science and complex theories but instead of showing numbers and experimants the designs use a series of complex images made out of paper which give a more hands on feel to the design that engage people that might think that science is something they wouldnt understand, but these images look complex but are somehting everyone can look at and understand.

What i really like other than the idea behind the images is the simplicity, the series are paper made structures and collages which are then photographed and then used as the book covers, the thing that is really striking about them is that the photographs when put on the covers dont loose the 3d look and the images seem to be leaping out of the cover like a page ina pop up book, and its this that draws you too these books out of anything else on the shelf, these books really stand out even though they are only black and white, the initial 3d grabs you and then the complecity of the paper design and different idea on each book only increases your interest in what you are looking at.

1 comment:

Adam Greenwood said...

The image of the cut out paper men would look pretty good as a moving image piece.